Sunday, August 31, 2008

Staycation 2008- Gumby Edition

Or Labor Day edition, or whatever edition you want to call it.

Holmes and I have 5 days off. Here is what we've done/will do:

*Had a terrible, overpriced Italian meal at Cannella's- NOT authentic, and NOT recommended...can you say garlic powder and too much salt? Ewwwwww....

*Went to see Batman on IMAX...MUST see on IMAX, no question- I pretty much had motion sickness the screen was so big. And, I sat right next to four good Mormon boys

*Went climbing at American Fork with Adam and Kev- first time climbing outside since April- yayyyyy. Climbing in gym too.

*Had a fun little bbq and fire pit party

*Painted/still painting hallway

*the rest is TBA because Staycation 2008- Gumby edition is still underway!!

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