Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday's Update

Tiggs had what appeared to be his best day yesterday, at least outwardly, he was more alert, his pee looked more yellow, and he at alot of food. The PCV, however, had dropped to 24 last night. It is hard for us to understand how he could outwardly look so much better, but the number went down.

This morning's blood, however, had held steady somewhere between 24 and 25. Dr. Lynette said she didn't want to say 25 and get our hopes up, but that it was at least holding at 24, and hopefully inching up towards 25.

He is here at BD with me today, and he has been excited to see his friends Lee, Jason, Kathy, etc. He even ran into John, Ellie, and Mason when we stopped to get a coffee before work, and he gave Ellie a big kiss. That was really uplifting to see!

Keep rooting for him! He is really a strong little guy.

1 comment:

shannon said...

thanks for all the updates melissa, hoping for the best!