Yesterday we got our tree up and decorated in preparation for Scotty and Mel's visit- the little nephews Reece and Trevor warrant getting a BIG tree, so we went with a 10 and a half footer! But, our space is limited, so it couldn't be more than 3 ft wide...good challenge!
Hope you like it:
In other news, we found Honey a stroller, but it was a bust- she HATED it, and sang the Honey Donkey Opera all the way down 45th South- people were coming out on their lawns to see what that donkey/manatee/operetta was coming from inside the stroller....then she wedged her head through the back pocket and clawed her way out- embarrassing. But, we did get some Ruff Wear booties, and they are a GREAT SUCCESS- in addition to climbing V10 now, she can also wander the first floor of the house with her booties on without slipping on the wood floors- as Mel Gibson in Braveheart would say- FREEEEEEEDOOOMMMMMMMM!!
Facebook is killing my blogging. Sorry for the lack of updates. Hope all of my readers are well.