Tuesday, March 25, 2008

San Diego Trip 2/08

We visited with Uncle Joe and his lovely wife Joan, whom I adore! They live in a nice little home in Oceanside. Uncle Joe and Joan were wonderful hosts, and they drove us up the coast so we could shop, put our toes in the ocean, and eat. We spent a night with them and had an amazing dinner (my favorite family meal- homeade meat SAUCE!!!).
We also visited Balboa Park while we were on a long trolley tour, which was huge and amazing, here is a shot in one of the botanical gardens.
The view from our hotel room.
We drove to Yorba Linda to visit one of my mom's best friends, "Coolie" aka Louise and her husband John. We watched the Oscars, ate great food, drank wine, and laughed. It's fun to to watch two old friends together. I had to spend the night in the "Coolie-Mobile"-see above PT Cruiser- because I almost died. That's right, I almost died. My mom neglected to tell me that Coolie has two Ragamuffin cats, to which I'm deathly allergic. I went into full blown asthma and nearly had to go the ER. But it all worked out, because I was able to milk it for alot of "I-almost-died presents."
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