Tuesday, February 02, 2010


But, finally got that new sofa! Yay to becoming a couch potato. We are currently on the hunt for the TV that will be mounted across from the chaise.

I was really psyched on the service we got at Copenhagen West. In addition to being really nice people, Diana, our sales person even came to the house to help me...'envision'....I need that, believe me! I'm such a visual person, and it was a huge purchase, I wanted to be happy, and I was fully prepared to send it back if it didn't work.

So, enjoy the pics, can't wait to host some movie nights, but be forewarned, if you spill anything on my couch, I will kill you! Break out the Granma plastic!

And, thank you to my fabulous friend Cerre, for coming over and helping me through this anxiety ridden decision process!


blankset said...

I love the sofa, I am glad I didn't need to have a sneezing fit, but I was prepared. Can't wait to come over a watch t.v. with you. Cerre

Wasatch Girl said...

Love it! Hope you are enjoying every minute of it. :)